1. You Cheated/Shields x
2. Alone In This World/Five Trojans x
3. Beware/Jesse Belvin & Carpis x
4. Crazy Little Baby/Shirley Gunther x
5. I'm Sorry Now/Shields x
6. No Kiss/Charles Trent
7. Ronnie (My Teenage Dream)/G-Notes x
8. My Dream/Theo Lane
9. That's the Way It's Gotta Be/Shields x
10. Endless Love/Capris x
11. I Would/G-Notes
12. Nature Boy/Shields x
13. Believe Me/Shirley Gunther
14. Don't Ask Me To Be Lonely/Five Trojans x
15. Can't Get Over It/Charles Trent
16. Play the Game Fair/Shields x
17. There's No Escape/Theo Lane
18. Fare Thee Well, My Love/Shields x
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